Fruzsina is the Founder of NLP BEYOND ACADEMY, is a Board Certified Master NLP Coach, Time Line Therapy® Coach, Board Certified Hypnotherapist, EFT Practitioner, Certified Nutritional Therapist, Jikiden Reiki Practitioner, Life Activation Practitioner, and Certified Silva UltraMind ESP Instructor, intuitive healer, fitness and wellness coach.

She is also a published author of her first children’s book, “Your Earth, Your World” and worked as an Associate Producer on 3 Magic Words, one of the 12 most transformational documentaries of 2012.

Born and raised in a back-then communist Hungary Fruzsina’s life experiences of sometimes intolerable hardships, poverty and abuse had awakened an unbreakable drive force energy within her to help empower others, become an influential catalyst for change and work toward her vision to make this world a better place to live in. As an immigrant of the United States her journey with just $10 in her pocket and zero English knowledge. Her strong passion for raising consciousness on the Planet culminated in her decade long entrepreneurship as a multi-dimensional spiritual healer, guide and life transformational coach to serve humanity in any context of life while providing a solid foundation of love, compassion, and integrity at the highest level, and, to support the growth of Unity of this diverse, colorful world.

Besides being a full-time mother of two beautiful children, Fruzsina is driven to empower individuals, conscious leaders and groups of all walks of life who are ready to get results, take charge of their own lives and reach beyond their perceived highest potential.


  • Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner

  • Time Line Therapy®

  • Hypnotherapy Certification

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming Coach Certification

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