You Are Worth It! - 5 Day Challenge - DAY #5

Affirm Others - Watch this video + Read below


Welcome to the FINAL, 5th day of the YOU ARE WORTH IT - Challenge

Affirm Others

Welcome to Day 5 of the Self-Esteem Challenge. Wow, you made it! Congratulations! Aren’t you excited?

Today we’re going to be talking about the surprising power of affirming others.


Few people realize this, but affirming others is a powerful way to boost your own self-esteem.

It forces you to think through the things you appreciate about others, which in turn makes you more attentive to your own strengths. Because guess what! Perception is projection! What you see in others is actually IN YOU! That's right. You know how? Because your mind cannot unsee what's already within your self. I go into this more in detail in my Rapid Mental Detox for Success training for now, focus on seeing the good in others. Even if you noticed something out of alignment. 

Affirming others also strengthens your positive relationships, so you can continue to be surrounded by positive people.

Finally, affirming others often leads to others affirming you, which creates a circle of positive energy. You don’t want to affirm others merely to get compliments yourself, but it is one hugely valuable side effect.

Mike Gayle said: “No matter how sure you are of someone's love, it's always nice to hear it.”

By taking the time to affirm others, you build both their self-esteem and yours. It’s a total win-win. Acknowledge others' good qualities, compliment them. I think this world needs more of that. You'll notice how you'll also start receiving compliments from others, randomly. What goes around comes around. It essentially comes down to one of the basic Universal Laws, which is also in the Rapid Mental Detox for Success program. 


Write down the three people who surround you with the most positive energy.

Now, under each person, write down THREE things that you really appreciate about them. This can be anything, from their sense of humor to their work ethic to their love for nature. It doesn’t need to be anything profound, just meaningful.

After you’ve written down three items for each person, contact them via phone, email, or text and tell them how much you appreciate them. Affirm their strengths and make no comments about their weaknesses.

Your goal is simply to affirm them and make them feel good about themselves.

What you’ll discover as you do this is that it creates a true cycle of affirmation, with you affirming others and others affirming you.

As this happens, you’ll see your self-esteem leap skyward.

Now. Take this to the next level and when you're out and about, compliment the lady at the cashier, or a person at your office, or a friend who you haven't talked to for ages. 

Remember to affirm 3 people today. After you affirm them, come back and share in the comments how they responded.


Tomorrow I’m going to do a wrap up and what’s next, so keep an eye out for an email from me! By the way, do you know what limiting beliefs do you have? 

Click Here to get  10 simple Questions to Identify your Limiting beliefs!

Now go ahead and make your today an EXTRAORDINARILY MAGNIFICENT DAY...

Because YOU are worth it! 

Keep shining! 


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