You Are Worth It! - 5 Day Challenge - DAY #1

Day 1 - Appreciate your Strength! - Watch the video + please read below!

Welcome to Day 1  of the You are Worth it - Challenge. Today we’re going to be reflecting on all your wonderful strengths and gifts. Ready?


Self- esteem and self-worth begin with loving who you are, accepting who you are, and appreciating your strengths. If you can’t appreciate who you are, you’ll never have good self-esteem.

Buddha said: “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

Mark Twain said: “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.”

Ask yourself this simple, yet powerful question:

Do I love myself?

If the answer is, “No,” that needs to change. Do you love just parts of yourself? That needs to change as well. 


If you want to be comfortable, you absolutely MUST approve of yourself. It doesn’t matter what others think, it matters what YOU think about you. 

So let’s begin by taking time to appreciate yourself. This is the foundation of self-esteem.


Get out a piece of paper. Write down FIFTEEN things you appreciate about yourself. This doesn’t need to be over-complicated.

Are you kind? Write down: I AM kind - if that's one of the things you love about yourself. 

●Are you a good chef? Write: I AM a great cook - I personally cannot say the same thing but if you ARE a great cook and this is an aspect of you that you love, then hey! By any means, write it down! You could say also: ...because I AM passionate about creating meals for others. 

Do you have a good sense of humor?Write: I AM good at making others smile/laugh etc. 

Do you do well with kids? If this is the case write: I AM great with kids. 

Do you manage finances well?  I AM good at managing my finances - because I AM smart. 

Are you empathetic?  I AM empathetic...and so on. 

You MUST come up with at least ten things you like about yourself. No shortcuts! It has to look like this: "I AM..."

If you can keep going, come up with more than 15. Ideally, you should be able to write down 100 different positive things you love and appreciate about yourself. But for now, start with ten. 

After you’re done, take the sheet of paper and tape it somewhere you’ll see it a LOT. You want this to be in front of you on a regular basis. 

Remember, you’re valuable and should love yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

Okay, now it’s time for you to get busy. Write down the 15 things that you love about yourself! 

Are you dragging your feet? Then I'll challenge you to ad 5 new  and positive ones each day!

And stay tuned for tomorrow because we’re going to be doing some wonderful affirmations that help you accept and love yourself.

See you tomorrow and be well! 


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